
O1 Assessment of prior IT-related learning background and skillset of third country nationals

The aim of this output is to develop a sound and updated knowledge base necessary for the preparation of the upcoming activities. The end goal of this output would be to draw the profile of TCNs in terms of their skillset. The scope of this output is not oriented to conduct primary or hard data research, but to gather intelligence and reflective feedback from involved third country nationals.

A comprehensive research will be designed and implemented, combining both desktop and field research. Last but not least, consortium partners will identify relevant good practices, after carefully analyzing the characteristics & needs of the target group. The national and the European reports of IO1 will be the cornerstone for the Development of the capacity building programme (which will take place under IO2) and the implementation of the IT bootcamps (which will take place under IO3).

IO2 Technology-based capacity building programme

The main element of innovation for this IO is the development of a comprehensive interactive online tool that will serve the delivery of the capacity building programme. This will allow maximum penetration to the target groups and add to the sustainability of the whole project.

This IO includes the development of the capacity building programme, along with the basic tool that will be utilized for their delivery (online platform). This IO will also have impact at institutional level, as the developed capacity building programme will be publicly available and accessible by any actor or stakeholder that wants to try this innovative methodology.

IO3 Implementation of the IT bootcamps and networking activities

The aim of this output is to provide a customized capacity building programme (different courses will be offered based on the existing level of skills & competences) following a blended delivery methodology (face-to-face sessions together with remote sessions via the e-learning platform) Part of the output is to bring the TCNs closer to ICT companies through a wide spectrum of practical activities

The methodology will contain the following steps that can be applied at any national context:

  1. Select the tutors to be trained and train them
  2. Select the TCNs and participate in the IT bootcamps
  3. Introduce the TCNs to the ICT labour market