Transnational Meetings

Kick-off meeting of the new project “ICT4TCN”

AKMI S.A participated in the kick-off meeting of the new project: “ICT4TCN: Facilitating the access to the ICT labour market of third country nationals by developing further their existing skillset”. The meeting was held in Athens on 10 and 11 of October 2019, on the premises of EEO Group. The project was awarded under the Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission. The project brings together 6 partners from 5 EU coutries, including the following:
  • AKMI S.A from Greece
  • Symplexis from Greece
  • Youth Included(ZS) from Czech Republic
  • Asociación Valencia Inno Hub from Spain
  • Diesis Coop from Belgium and
  • Socialinių inovacijų fondas from Lithuania.

New technologies are reshaping the nature of work.

On an almost daily basis, new technologies are reshaping the nature of work. Within this context, we should highlight the importance of social inclusion of third country nationals, living in the partner countries into the digital labour market.

Moreover, we focus on the design of a capacity building programme, which will supplement the existing skills and competences, according to actual needs of the ICT industry. Against this backdrop, our Organization (AKMI) has a key role in the partnership, since it has a long experience in high quality educational services and ensures the enhancement of digital competencies of persons disadvantaged at the labour market.

The main target group is TCNs with some at least basic IT skills, while a secondary one includes trainers, educators and professionals working with third country nationals.

The meeting was coordinated by Symplexis and the participating organizations discussed the time-plan and their assigned role throughout the work packages of the project.

Furthermore, a cross-cutting theme throughout the meeting was the identification of future research needs of TCNs. AKMI S.A was represented by its Project Manager, Mrs. Aspasia Mousoulidi.