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The composition of the population of the EU has changed drastically during the last years, with many third country nationals (TCNs) arriving and settling in the EU. Based on Eurostat (migration and migrant population statistics), on 1 January 2018, the number of TCNs living in the EU-28 was 22.3 million, while the number of people living in the EU-28 who had been born outside of the EU was 38.2 million.
On average, 9.9% of the total labour population in the EU28 were unemployed in 2014, while the rate for TCNs was twice as high (19.9%). Taking advantage of one of the most promising EU industries, such as ICT, the proposed project aims at facilitating the access of TCNs with some existing IT skills & competences to the EU labour market, by capitalising on their existing skillset and building their capacities further, based on actual market needs.
The composition of the population of the EU has changed drastically during the last years, with many third country nationals (TCNs) arriving and settling in the EU. Based on Eurostat (migration and migrant population statistics), on 1 January 2018, the number of TCNs living in the EU-28 was 22.3 million, while the number of people living in the EU-28 who had been born outside of the EU was 38.2 million.
On average, 9.9% of the total labour population in the EU28 were unemployed in 2014, while the rate for TCNs was twice as high (19.9%). Taking advantage of one of the most promising EU industries, such as ICT, the proposed project aims at facilitating the access of TCNs with some existing IT skills & competences to the EU labour market, by capitalising on their existing skillset and building their capacities further, based on actual market needs.
The project aims to use the existing IT skills and competences of third country nationals to meet some of the actual needs of the ICT industry in terms of specialised human resources. It aims to support the social inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups (third country nationals) through equal access to employment (as third country nationals enjoy less opportunities for employment compared with EU nationals).
Project results will foster the social inclusion of third country nationals in the participating countries, promoting sustainable inclusive growth and future prosperity in these countries by empowering the employability of this vulnerable group. Moreover, this solution will be expanded to other national contexts, while recommendations will be made for reaching also other sectors, besides ICT.